1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions, a reference to:

  • “SZ Greenfields”, “we”, “us” or “our” means SZ Greenfields Ltd, English company number 7038416; and
  • “You” or “your” means any user of this website.


2. Use of this Website

Use of this Website is governed by these Terms and Conditions.  You agree not to use the Website for any illegal purpose or in a manner that is inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions or is not in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.


3. Access

Access to the Client Area and certain other areas of this Website is restricted to registered users to whom we have provided appropriate log-in details.  Please let us know if you are a client of SZ Greenfields and do not have log-in details or require renewed or additional user access.


Log-in details are personal to the individual to whom they are supplied and may only be used by that individual.  You confirm to us that you will at all times provide us with accurate information regarding your identity.  You also confirm to us that you will at all times keep any username and password that you need to access any part of this Website strictly confidential and will notify us immediately if you believe that any unauthorised use has or may be made of any username or password provided or if you are aware of any unauthorised access or other possible abuses of the Website.  You may give notice at any time to terminate your right to be a registered user of this website.


We reserve the right to withdraw or limit access to this Website (or any part of it) at any time.


4. Copyright

Copyright in the design, layout and content of this Website is owned by SZ Greenfields or its licensors.


You may download and temporarily store one or more of the pages of this Website for the purposes of viewing them. You may also print any of the publications in this Website so long as each copy is a complete copy, no amendment is made to it and it is for use only within your organisation.


Any other storage, copying, transmission or distribution of the content of or the publications in this Website is prohibited without our prior written consent.  Please address any requests for consent to our CEO.


5. Links

Electronic links to this site are prohibited without our prior written consent. Please address any requests for consent to our CEO.


6. Information

Client guides and other publications on this Website are provided for general information only. They are not intended to provide (and are no substitute for) detailed and considered legal advice. Please call or email your usual SZ Greenfields contact in relation to your specific circumstances or any other queries you may have (or telephone:  +44 (0)20 7148 6920 or email: for further assistance).


Nothing in this Website is an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity of any nature whatsoever.


7. Translation Widget

The translation widget is provided by Yandex and use of this may also be subject to their terms and conditions. As an automated translation service, this is made available to facilitate and promote international understanding, but is no substitute for professional legal translation and must not be relied on. In the event of any ambiguity, please refer to the English language original. 


8. Limits on liability

Subject as below, we shall not be liable to you as a user of this Website whether in contract, tort (including the tort of negligence) or otherwise.


Whilst we shall use our reasonable efforts to ensure that this Website remains accurate and operational we shall not be liable to you for the information in it or for any failure of this Website to function correctly or to be accessible.


Although this Website may from time to time contain links to other websites, we shall not be liable to you for the contents of those websites nor any goods or services provided by those websites and we shall not be taken to endorse those websites or any of the goods or services that they provide.


To the extent prohibited by law, the limitations on our liability under this clause shall not apply in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence.


9. No assignment

You may not assign your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions without our prior written consent.


10. Governing law

These terms and conditions and all issues regarding this Website are governed by and construed in accordance with English law.



SZ Greenfields Ltd

March 2019



Legal and Regulatory Information:

SZ Greenfields Ltd is an English company (No. 07038416) 

SZ Greenfields Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (No. 520187)

UK VAT No.  982 4440 06



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